Admission, Enrollment and Tuition Fees
Registration Process
Adventures in Learning Child Care Center will serve up to 130 children ages 6-weeks to 12 years. The Center has been established to benefit the community. Adventures does not discriminate on the basis of age, race color, gender, sexual orientation, creed, handicap, natural origin, or ancestry. We support the American with Disabilities Act.
The Center enrolls children for full-time child care, part-time child care (if multiple families share a full spot), 4K and after-school care.
Parents interested in enrolling their child should contact the directors at (608) 850-5430 to arrange a visit to the Center, complete required forms, and provide necessary information about your child. Due to limited space, we unfortunately may not be able to accept every child for admission. Applications are processed in the order they are received. Current families receive first priority when enrolling a sibling.
School Tours/Visits
We're proud of our school, and we'd like to give prospective parents the chance to "try before you buy." Adventures in Learning invites parents and their children to view the premises.
To make a special appointment with our director, please call us at (608) 850-5430 or contact us via e-mail at
This package contains detailed information and promotional material concerning Adventures in Learning.
Parent Handbook Current pdf.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [176.2 KB]
Adventures in Learning Calendars
Adobe Acrobat document [35.0 KB]