
The Center provides nutritional snacks in the morning and afternoon (Monday-Friday).  Teachers eat with the children and encourage proper manners.  Milk and water is served at both snack times.  Well-balanced lunches will be provided Monday through Thursday and milk will be provied during lunch to those who are drinking from a cup.  We follow USDA guidelines when meeting food requirements.  On Fridays, families provide a well-balanced sack lunch for their child(ren).  The staff and cook are aware of all children in the Center with food allergies and make necessary arrangements for meals.   All lunches and snacks must be nut-free.

Limited Space Available

Limited Enrollment Available for 2022-2023.
Adventures in Learning presently has limited space availability in selected age-groups.  Call (608) 850-5430 or stop for a visit to learn about availability.

If you need to speak with our director or one of the teachers, please don't hesitate to call. We're always happy to assist you.
Phone: (608) 850-5430
You may also get in touch with us via email at:

We're Here to Help You!